Dumaguete Endures to the End

As Marilyn has often expressed to me, life in Dumaguete is hard. Food isn't necessarily guaranteed to be on the table, nor is shelter readily available to all who need it. Opportunities for work lag far behind the burgeoning number of highly-educated and qualified candidates released into the workforce each year. Quality medical care is beyond the reach of those who lay bed-ridden in their own homes, too weak to breathe the fresh air just outside their front door. No one seems to truly understand all that afflicts the people of Dumaguete, especially those elected to be their voice.
During my time with Marilyn we made a point to pray together each day, surrendering everything to our Savior and renewing our focus on Him. These daily conversations with the Lord added a new perspective to my experiences in Dumaguete. I began to understand the full extent of oppression in this part of the world. Yet, at the same time, this worldly oppression appeared to breed a deep reliance on the Lord. There was an overwhelming spirit of supernatural endurance that largely defined the people of Dumaguete, and overshadowed the harsh realities of life here.
As the world crumbles around us—whether in Dumaguete, Riyadh, Tehran, Jerusalem, Tripoli, Mumbai or Chicago—let us all draw from the everlasting well of strength that is Christ the Lord, so that we may endure to the end.
"But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." (Matthew 24:13)
Tags: dumaguete, philippines, prayer, jesus christ

Amen to that, brother. Thanks for praying for the city, and reminding me to do the same.
Hi Corey,I tried posting a comment a few minutes ago but something may have gone wrong.....I can't tell if it's being reviewed or not. At any rate,you can just put this one on if you like.
I've been to Philippines on four different trips since 2000. Going there has changed me more than words can say. I have a nephew who is a typical 24 year old American.I wish I could take him to Dumaguete so he can see how 99% of the world has to live.I wish Cathy and I could do more for family and friends living there.
Thanks for visiting, guys. Marilyn is resigned to the tough realities that surround her each day. Yet, at the same time, she is the one who is always telling me that I'll be okay, and that God is good and loves me very much.
Through her challenges she has gained a priceless trust in God's faithfulness, and her view of the world is colored by the promises of the Risen One.
I can tell you she has inspired me mightily. I love that woman.
Hello Cory.
I just now found your site, don't know why it took so long.
I want to go to Dumaguete next year, marry a Lady there.
She is a grad of Silliman, a teacher and will retire next year.
We wil marry when I am there.
I will return and hopefully she will be with me. I will sell my mobil home here and we want to return to Dumaguete to live.
I am on a small income, about $800 a month.I am a former trucker and on disability that will be my income plus the sale of my home.
She has been denied three times a visa..Her family are not poor nor rich...all are upstanding people of the city.
What advise can you give me?
Any is very appreciated....Thanks..Jim.
Hello Jim...thanks for stopping by. May I ask what kind of visa she applied for in the past? I was required to submit an affadavit of support, which showed that I would be able to support my fiance once she arrived. I think the general rule is that you should be able to show an income which is 125% of the poverty line. Beyond that, they should have no reason to deny a visa...unless she's been trying for something other than a fiance or spousal visa.
I don't think there is anything wrong with your desire to visit her in Dumaguete and marry her there. You won't, however, be able to bring her back immediately. A man who goes to my church married a woman in the Philippines...and then brought her here on a spousal visa over a year later.
Your idea to live in Dumaguete is quite popular among foreigners...especially from the U.S. and Europe. I'm not sure what you expect to sell your house for, but it doesn't take much to live decently in the Philippines from what I've heard. The aforementioned friend from church dreams of going back to Dumaguete for good, since he was so touched by his experiences there.
Have you been to Dumaguete before, by the way?
I hope I have helped answer some of your questions. My wife was denied a visa twice before she got her fiance visa, though that was before I knew her. She was trying for a tourist visa, which is next to impossible for them to get.
Hi Corey, I just found your site and what a very inspiring story you have here. I'm from Cebu and would love to move to Dumaguete soon. I've been visiting the place often.Nice peaceful and hospitable people. If there's anything that I can help with, like ideas, destinations I'll be more than happy to help. I'm also pushing properties there and I just love coming back to that place. My email: manny_jc@yahoo.com website: www.realoptions.co.cc . Thank you and keep it up!
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