Dumaguete Dreamin'

One mistake I made during my trip to the Philippines was not setting aside enough time to get more photos. Actually, it didn't help that my camera lost its charge and I had no voltage adapter to recharge the batteries. It was just bad planning all around. Unfortunately, I am running out of personal Dumaguete photos to show here and have recently borrowed images from Wikipedia where appropriate, as well as using photos from Marilyn or her friends. I fancy myself more of a writer than a photographer, though I understand how important it is for a blog to express more than simple words on a screen.
Tags: dumaguete, filipina, travel photos

I've been to Philippines four times.....I took a lot of photos,but the vast majority are of family and friends.I don't have so many of the city;my Dumaguete blog is about the website and the photos I have aren't really appropriate.(I've been thinking of putting some in another blog)
I simply did not plan very well. However, most of my photos were taken with disposable Kodak cameras, and they turned out quite well. In fact, Marilyn had them put together a photo CD, and then she e-mailed some of the files to me. Granted, they are not as colorful and crisp as photos taken by a nice digital camera, but they came out well nonetheless.
I have quite a few photos of Dumaguete, both old and fairly recent. Let me know if you would like me to send you all some. I would be happy to.
Hello Christine,
I may take you up on the offer. I think my problem (besides the dead battery) was that I was a bit anxious about carrying around a camera. I also didn't want to seem too "touristy" by stopping to take photos of everything and drawing attention to myself. Maybe I'm just thinking too much ;) I will say that those disposable cameras did a pretty decent job.
You make a lovely couple. I like all the pictures.
How did you and Marily meet?
Hello marji,
I got in touch with Marilyn through a Christian penpal site about 4 years ago. I never really expected things to progress to this point, but God has His own plans :)
Thanks for stopping by!
I have lived in the Philippines for 7 years mainly in Liloan Cebu.
I really hope you have found a good wife with a good family, this is sometimes very hard, it took me 6 years plus a lot of heartache to find the right woman.
The biggest problem here if you marry the girl you also marry the family. Most families have the black sheep, that would like to treat you as a milking cow. The worst thing is if your wife is a black sheep. I have seen many disapointments with friends past relationships, some of them have lost lots of money.
There wifes placed the husbands in a bubble and paid the bills handled the money, hiving off much of the money for themselfs and there family. The culture here is the woman run the families and not the men. The grandmother normally controls every thing, the mother controls everything when the grandmother dies. The elder sister the ate' takes control if the mother dies. But if a younger sibling is rich or marriesa rich husband she becomes the ate but controls the whole family.
The problem is these people really do treat the church as a laundry. Go on as dirty clothes in and come out clean. This means most of them are very good liars and sinners.
It is however better to take wifes home to your own country and become the person with the trousers on. Handle the bills your self and the money.
Heres two articles I wrote..
First article
Second article
There are a few picture you may like to copy...
I hope things turn out okay
Best Wishes
Babel Fish
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