Finding Jesus in Dumaguete

When I was in the Philippines I witnessed a dependence upon the Lord that is largely absent here in America. Many of us who claim to follow Christ simply play the Sunday morning routine, but have little idea who He really is in our daily lives. Bank accounts, job titles and retirement destinations seem to take precedence over any need or desire to live within His will. Therefore, I was truly blessed by my time in Dumaguete because I witnessed a genuine hunger for Christ's love. Perhaps Marilyn has been the greatest example of this, as she has faced incredible hardships with an unwavering belief that His love would sustain herand it did.
Heavenly Father,
Break us, and mold us. Remove all of our dependence on worldly things, that we may cast our cares upon you and trust in your sustaining mercy. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Tags: dumaguete, philippines, mission trip, jesus christ

Hi, can you put also a link from your blog site to mine...You previously visitd my blog: I already linked my site to yours. Thanks...
Hi, I already linked my site to yours. You previously visited my site: Can you also put a link from your blog site to mine? Thanks...
Thanks for visiting, guys. Echir, you can see your link under the "Blog Showcase" section.
Robert...I'll amen your amen ;)
Your site leaves one inspired and lonely. smiling. Having traveled to a few nations, and being alone for years as a single man, memories of platonic, friendships in other nations flood in to memory. Here close friendships are rare, but not out there. God bless your relationship, and your walk.
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