Long Road From Dumaguete to America:
Visa Granted 08/03/07!

You would think I would have shared this news weeks ago, but I have been remiss in my posting as of late. Or, perhaps the shock has not yet worn off that Marilyn is scheduled to arrive in the U.S. on September 12th :) The end of that long road from Dumaguete to America is soon to be reached.
Now, for some details...
Marilyn flew from Dumaguete to Manila for her medical exam on July 27, which consisted of some x-rays, a blood test, and a measles vaccination (officially, an MMR vaccination). Her visa interview took place at the U.S. embassy a week later...on August 3rd. The embassy does not allow electronic devices within its walls, but Marilyn had forgotten this rule, and had to make a trip back to the hotel to shed her cell phone and her music player (two separate trips, mind you). By the time she was allowed to enter the premises it was around 9am...about 90 minutes after her interview time! She should have been forced to reschedule due to her tardiness, but there must have been angels working there that day :)
I really don't know when Marilyn's interview took place, but she texted me around 12:20pm local time. Here is the actual text she sent to me on Chikka:
Marilyn: (August 03, 2007 00:22:43)
I am granted a visa.The consul was nice.It didnt feel that i was intrviewed.He even told me about his wife :-D
She later referred to the gentleman who interviewed her as the "kindest consul", even saying that it felt more like a casual conversation than a visa interview. Others, however, were not so blessed, as she also witnessed a few somewhat harsh interrogations...and even a couple of denials. Due to the time differences I stayed up well into the night, waiting to receive that lovely text above.
As soon as Marilyn arrives, we will immediately begin planning for an October wedding. All these months of waiting for the visa, and now everything just happens so quickly :)
Heavenly Father...thank you for this wonderful gift that You have given to us. Please forgive me for those many times when I allowed fears and worries to take away the joy of what You were about to do. If only I had rested in You, and sought that same peace which passes all understanding...that peace You granted me when I first prepared to meet Marilyn two years ago. Please be at the center of our lives together, for even if we have each other we still have nothing without You. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Tags: fiancee visa, k1 visa, visa interview, dumaguete

Congratulations to you both!!! The long wait is over for you two!!! Woooohooo! Just wanted to ask how long did it take you guys all in all when you sent the I-129F form?
Good morning and thanks for your note. It took about 6.5 months from the day the petition was mailed until Marilyn had her interview. She received the actual visa by courier service on August 11, which meant she could have left that day if we had a plane ticket ready. Of course, it's hard to schedule an international flight without at least 3 weeks notice. Besides, the extra time has given her opportunity to say goodbye to her friends and pack up her items.
Our petition was about 3/4" thick, which is pretty average from what I understand. The important part is to not only have all the forms accurately completed, but to provide ample evidence that you have a relationship.
Good luck and God bless!
hope you can put pictures of Marilyn's arrival in the USA!!!
Hello there...sorry for the delayed response. We have been quite busy these past few months :)
Sadly, we don't have any photos that were taken at the airport, though we have some from the days following. I guess no one thought of bringing a camera because we were all quite nervous and excited :)
cograts... i wish my visa wont take long too... i wonder how u too met?
Good evening...thanks for visiting. We actually met through a Christian website.
Currently, we're waiting on her work authorization to arrive!
yes i was wondering what took you so long i also meet some one from dumaguete and was trying to court her and thought it wouldnt take so long perhaps to get it accomplished within two weeks i am military and my next leave is for two weeks and i was thinking of bringing my duemegetino back with me and was wondering about travel in dumaguete contact me wurmbreath@hotmail.com
Awesome blogg you have here
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