No Shortage of Friends in Dumaguete

Indeed, friends are like family. Sure, there will be quarrels and disagreements from time to time, but close friends will always be there in the end. Marilyn is truly blessed in this regard. She has no shortage of friends in Dumaguete.
"...a friend loveth at all times..." (Proverbs 17:17a)
Tags: dumaguete, philippines, friends

Most of us in the U.S. don't keep up with the friends we grew up with...very often we don't even keep up with family.In Philippines you are surrounded by brothers,sisters,aunts,uncles,cousins;there's an almost never ending supply.I really prefer the lifestyle there but I can't make money there.
Family and friends do seem to be cherished much more in Dumaguete than in the U.S. I have a few really close friends, but after that there are only acquaintenances and former friends that I haven't spoken with for years. I know Marilyn will need to build up a strong base of friends here, and I'm hoping she can get in touch with other Filipinos. In fact, there is a family living a few buildings down from me whose parents graduated from Silliman. Marilyn likes to hear about this, since she also graduated from there :)
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